FAQs for Carriers and MGUs

More information for carriers & MGUs

  • What products does Yottaflow offer for carriers and MGUs?

    We offer two products for carriers & MGUs:

    • Yottaflow is an application that allows carriers & MGUs to receive quote requests for a variety of group benefit products from brokerages, TPAs, wholesalers and GAs. Carriers & MGUs are invited to use the application as quote requests are shared with them. The basic version of the application is free for MGUS & Carriers.
    • Instant Quoting from Yottaflow is stand-alone product that allows carriers & MGUs to Provide illustrative and final quotes to their clients via a custom-branded website and manage the entire process through an automated workflow.

    Learn more about Instant Quoting from Yottaflow ›
  • Somebody I work with uses Yottaflow.  What do I need to do?

    Nothing. You'll be notified when a quote request is submitted to you via Yottaflow. If needed, the application will guide you through the process of setting up an account.

    Contact us if you're still unclear ›
  • I'm having trouble accessing Yottaflow

    You can reset your password here.

    Remember: you must login with the email address that the email was sent to. For example, if the quote request email was sent to "rfp@example.com", you'll need to login with "rfp@example.com".

    Want to use a different email address for login? For example, if the email was sent to "rfp@example.com" and you want to login with "jane@example.com", you'll need to reply to the email and request that another email address is added to the quote request.

    Contact us if you need help ›

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